Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day

This last Friday was a holiday known as Valentine's Day (aka: Single Awareness Day). I don't really care much for this holiday. I'm not really the sappy type and I think of it more as a Hallmark Holiday, which it is. However, sometimes it is nice to have a designated holiday for receiving chocolate, as it is one of my favorite things.

Well this year, I was planning on making Tony dinner on Friday night and we were going to hunker down and watch a movie. We had gone out to eat on a date previously this month and restaurants on Valentine's Day are bound to be crowded, so nothing big was planned, but something was planned. Little did I know that Rockwell had other plans.

Date night!! First one in a long time.

This last week has been quite a struggle for Tony at work. Recently, he was put on a project with two other individuals to begin rewriting some of the code. This is very exciting since he has finally begun writing code, however, he doesn't really know the code and the specifications that go with it. On top of that, he was given something that needs to be done yesterday. Well, come Friday and that something is not done, so bye, bye my Valentine's Day dinner.

Good thing Saturday follows Friday. He still worked most of Saturday, but took the night off to make dinner with me and watch The Amazing Spiderman. We had a delicious meal of chicken parmigiana and asparagus. To follow it up, we had a wonderful chocolate cheesecake that I made earlier in the day. And the best part is, there is plenty of leftovers on that dessert! So it may not have been my Valentine's Day as planned, but I know that he still loves me. He doesn't really need a holiday to let me know that and I still got some flowers and chocolate out of the day.

A random slew of events

Well this is now the third time I've started this blog post and still can't think of anything to say. (Hence the reason why I haven't posted anything in a whole month) This may be due to the fact that reflecting on life is not a strong suit of mine. I try, but I just can't seem to make it work. Don't get me wrong. There are some times where I surprise myself and have a whole slew of reflecting going on, but this is the exception not the rule. So, here I am, stuck without the ability to reflect on life on a whim, trying to think of what to say. Stick with me, this might be a random string of things that have been going down.

In general, the start to 2014 has been a good one. It's hard to believe that it's already the middle of February, and yet the end of the semester seems to be so far away. (16 weeks is far too long in my mind.)

Well, we've finally been stationary for over a month now and it has been wonderful. Not that we don't like visiting everyone, but it is very nice to figure out what it looks like to stay home. So what have we been filling out weekends with? Good question.

Taking weird photos like this

Brother and Dad came to visit one weekend in January to watch my cousin wrestle. (He wrestles for OSU and they had a dual meet here against Iowa.) It was nice to visit with them and see family down again even if it was only for a short time.

Tony's coworker invited us over to play very long, nerdy board games for two of those weekends. They were mostly fun games and its been interesting tapping into my more nerdy side.

A friend from college visited for Burr Fest (a beer tasting festival that occurs in Coralville every winter.) Tony always loves a chance to taste some of the greats from the area and surrounding states. I got to stay home this year and watch Tangled with a friend. Such a good movie. (I've been on a recent Disney princess kick with Frozen, and Tangled is always a good one!)

We have been enjoying the cold and the snow (more the snow than the cold) and got to go sledding!! I am looking forward to Spring though to open the windows and not pay so much in utilities.

Tony has been enjoying his ground school for his pilot's license. His one complaint is that it is so much information to learn. Here is his comparison:
Kindergarten = Driver's license
Bachelors degree = Pilot's license
I'm very glad he is getting the chance to have one of his childhood dreams, but I am so also so ready to have my husband back on Tuesday nights.

For myself, school has been going well. Two classes is amazing so far. However, it is only the beginning of the semester so we shall see how it progresses. Either way, one final projects will always be better than three.

Lastly, we had to say goodbye to some friends of ours this last month. They were the first people we really met here and they left us to go on to do bigger and better things in the mission field. Sad to see them go, but behind them all the way! God bless!

And one last thing for this post. I wish I took more pictures of things. In this generation I feel like everything is documented via photo, however, I still manage to find my self a month down the road with no pictures of what has happened. O well.