So this last week we have been borrowing Abby's car for Tony to go to work and shopping for a new car. Tony got the car towed to a nearby mechanic who looked it over. It turned out that the air conditioning compressor broke and seized which caused the belt not to turn which caused the car to not start. It also had gasket problems, the battery was going and needed to be replaced, the tension arm pulley for the belt was also bad, and it had transmission problems. We knew something was going to happen, but we'd hoped that it wouldn't happen for about a year. Anyway, for the car to get to a functional level we would have had to put $800 into it, not quite worth it, but it would work and last a bit longer. However, the mechanic called soon after saying that one of the other mechanics was willing to buy it for $500 as is. What!?! That's crazy! But, once again, amazing and true knowledge that God is watching over us. Tony also asked the mechanics expert opinion on what car to buy and he mentioned a Honda Civic or Accord or a Toyota Camry, specifically a 2006 Honda Civic. So this is how our week went from there:
- Shop for cars at the local dealerships online
- Find two 2006 Civics at a Honda dealer in Cedar Rapids on Wednesday night
- Call on Thursday morning to make sure they were there
- Tony went and visited at lunch to find only one was left (the other had just been sold)
- Talk about whether or not we'd want to get it
- Sell the Lumina on Friday to the mechanic guy
- Check out the Civic again on Saturday so I could get a look at it
- Decide we were going to purchase it even though it's a little out of what we wanted to spend
- Realize we have no credit score since neither of us has had a reason to have one
- Still get approved, PTL!
- Drive away to return Abby's car and then take our car home. OUR car!!
So we are now proud owners of a white 2006 Honda Civic with approximately 66k miles and in really good condition.